I felt very liberated while making these next images. I may have written this before, but I will reiterate...
I always knew I was an artist. But I never knew my medium. I have always had so many ideas that I didn't know what to do with because I am not a painter or illustrator. Picking up a camera was like figuring out what size shoe I wear. It felt like, "Oh- this is how it's supposed to fit."
Learning how to create full conceptual images in Photoshop felt the same way for me. I was able to take a full, cohesive idea in my brain and make it visually come to life. This is something that could and will never happen with a paintbrush.
Here are my ants marching...
I have a small obsession with ants due to Dali's use of them. I have sort of adopted that re-occurring imagery as my own for this series. I have chosen not to explain these images, or what they mean to me. Take them for what you want, or as they are.
Many of the images used in each piece are my own. I did take some images off of the internet for texturing and treatment of the pieces. There may be many more. I am very attached to these pieces...
These are just great. Fantastic work, Erin!